BOY CALLED HEDGE s a singer-songwriter project
of Bernhard Mueller, Cologne, Germany. On
this site you can hear samples of his new German Synth Pop material. Contact: info@theboycalledhedge.com (C) 2010.
All copy, production and sync rights of this music,
lyrics, records, website and
design artwork are reserved and owned by Bernhard Mueller, D-51109
Cologne, Germany. Here you can hear 5 song samplesHope, you enjoy it! THE BOY CALLED HEDGE GOES GLOBAL
Sept. 2011. One year on myspace, over 1.000 song plays, more than 1.600 friends all around the world. Tracks of THE BOY CALLED HEDGE will be found on lastfm.de: http://www.lastfm.de/music/the+boy+called+hedge...and soundcloud.com, too: http://soundcloud.com/theboycalledhedgeAlso on facebook.com: http://de-de.facebook.com/pages/The-Boy-Called-Hedge/187494761268195You want to read more about THE BOY CALLED HEDGE ? Then follow this link: http://warmer-climes.blogspot.com/2011/08/warmer-mixtapes-438-by-bernhard-mueller.htmlSomeone who listens to THE BOY CALLED HEDGE: http://moodgusic.posterous.com/?tag=theboycalledhedge